Wednesday, July 14, 2010

xfd|f] k|j[lQ

g]kfn b'O{ 9'Ëf larsf] t?n xf] of] zlbcf}+b]lv ;'lgb} cfOPsf] s'/f xf] . b'O{ 7'N7'nf ldq /fi6«x?n] cfly{s ljsf;sf] If]qdf 5nfË dfl/ ;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . / tL b]zx?df clt sd nfutdf s[lifhGo tyf c}fBf]lus j:t'x? pTkfbg x'G5 / ;:tf] d"Nodf cfˆgf pTkfbgx? ;+;f/sf ljleGg b]zx?df lgof{t ub{5 . s'g}klg b]zsf] gful/sn] u'0f:t/Lo j:t' sd eGbf sd d'No lt/]/ pkef]u ug{ kfpg' /fdf] s'/f xf] / To;f] x'g' klg kb{5 .
xfdf] b]zsf] s'/f ubf{v]l/, xfdLnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ s[lifhGo b}lgs pkef]Uo j:t' tyf cf}Bflus j:t'x? klt cfTd lge{/ 5}gf} . ;fy} Ps}vfn] j:t'sf] ahf/ d'No oxfF pTkflbt j:t'sf] eGbf cfofltt j:t'sf] d'No ;:tf] kg{ hfG5 . h;n] ubf{ cfd pkef]Qmfx? pxL u'0f:t/sf] j:t' sd d'Nodf vl/b ul/ pkef]u ug{ ?rfpF5g\ . t/ la8Dagf g]kfn / g]kfnLsf], Psflt/ cGt/f{li6«o ahf/ d'Nol;t klt:kwf{ ug{ g;Sg] csf]{lt/ u'0f:t/Lo j:t' cfoft ug{ lgif]w ug]{ . Pp6f pbfx/0f emfkfsf ls;fgx?n] ef/lto pv' ahf/df cfpg lbPg sf/0f ;:tf] d'Nodf cfpgfn] oxfFsf] pTkfbg lalqm x'Fb}g -;f]t M g]kfn 6]lnlehg ;dfrf/ @)^&–)#–@* /flt * ah]_ . o:t} 36gf s]lx ;do klxn] c08f pTkfbs ;+3n] u/]sf] lyof] . o:tf] 36gfn] Psflt/ cfˆgf] k]zf÷Joj;flos c;Ifdtf OlËt ub{5 csf]{lt/ gful/s -clt sd cfo ePsf] klg kb{5g\_ n] ;dfg u'0f:t/ ePsf] j:t' sd d'Nodf pkef]u ug{ kfpg] cj;/af6 al~rt x'g'kb{5 .
ca oL b'a} gsf/ftds kIfnfO{ 36fpFb} cfkm"nfO{ b'lgofsf] ;fd' klt:kwf{ u/fP/ cJjn x'g]lt/ kof;/t /xg] a]nf cfPg / ?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Birth Place : SHAHRAJBKRM

My Home where I opend my eyes at first
There is small VDC in Northern part of dhading district where I opened my first eye in June 30 1976. A beutiful place I ever like to spend my spare time and retire life in future. My villege is near by the capital city Kathmandu which is shadow of the light.

Friday, June 18, 2010

FIFA world cup Soccer 2010

32 countries are in 2010 world cup soccer battle to prove them in number one position. If we review the world cup history, European and Latin American countries have won in every world cup matches, further, if we peered down Brazil have won 5 times and Italy have won 4 times. Asian and African countries have not achieved any victory. If we talked about Asian team, they come under the continental quota only. If any country can challenge to Latin America and Europe in world cup that will be the Africa. There is no sign of victory of Asian country in world cup soccer before becoming winner from African countries.

In this world cup also 2/3 supporter are still on European and Latin American side. The remarkable part is no other countries seem to be a winner in this 2010 battle also. However 1/3 people have interest to see the change of previous trends.
The following causes lead to winning the trophy of world cup soccer battle.
· Low confidence of player who are representing from Asian, African, Australia and North America
· High confidence of player who are representing from Latin America and Europe.

When will change the trend and we can see the world cup soccer winner from Asia and Africa?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Climate Change and Its Effects to Developing Countries

Few days ago an American swam in a pond located at near by Mt. Everest. This small pond used to cover by snow most of the time during the whole seasons but nowadays it is melted. Twenty times Mt. Everest Climber Mr. Appa Sherpa said "he noticed black rock where he had ever noticed before". These all symtomps are from climate change. Most of the developed countries producing huge amount of green house gas and the implication is suffering by developing countries people. One article I had read regarding climate change it has mentioned that Nepal will be awarded by million of rupees because its deep forest are helping to reduce the bad affect the green house gas. Recent news is one big convention is conducted regarding climate change. Many developed countries present their working paper regarding world's climate change. Every developed contry pointed out to other country to take commitment to reduce green house gas (not know scientific name of the gas) and looked to others face. No one come in common commitment to reduce the production. And the people from developing countries were seem they were participated to clap after hearing the developed peoples decision. The main cause is "competition". Yes, we all are competing to prove ourselves that I am the best and I am only one ruler of this world. In my school life I read that no one can change women and child perseverance. In this convention, we saw more than women and child perseverance. Look, we all 6.5 hundred billion people are living in this same world. People of devlopment countries are hitting themselves in their leg by an axe. They are destroying themselves and to others as well.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Do what you say: request to the politicians

Nowadays, each polictcal party is loosing their credibility, there is no space left where people can trust their behaviour. On 14th Jestha the curiosity seen till to the last hour by the behaviour of all political parties and, finally they come into the meeting point which is appreciable. But immediately it is started to come out the different statements from the big political parties (big in the sense they hold big numbers of CA members), in which political parties' statement the ordinery people can trust. It seems that all statement are spread to show to people only and the leaders will get together and make sign to lingerie the CA term.
Aha kya majja !